Terms and Conditions

“By entering, you accept our terms and conditions”


Terms and Conditions

The use of this web page implicates the acceptance of this terms and conditions, including the privacy declarations.

In our page, we respect human dignity and its privacy based on the ability of every individual to choose and decide on the use of our website, blog, mobile applications and related services. The use of this Site constitutes acceptance of the conditions listed below:

General information

Café con causa is for profit project with the objective generating profit for supporting national education in Guatemala through purchases, from which we reserve the right at our sole discretion to change or modify these Terms of Service at any time. If we do this, we will inform the changes on this page and indicate the date on which these terms were last revised. These includes, but does not limit to email, and publications on the platform. The continued use of our services constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms or Service modifications. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms of Service, you may discontinue the use of the Services.

Personal Data Protection Policy

At the time of registration and / or entering the form on our Site, we will request personal information such as name, surname, telephone and email for historic purposes and based on the principle of privacy, we protect your personal data incorporated into automated files.

The user is responsible for providing accurate and legitimate information in which it guarantees that the personal or corporate data provided to the Website, blog, mobile applications and related services of Café con Causa are truthful and is responsible for communicating any modification of the same.

Café con Causa protects visitors’ information in a secure way, in order to make the user’s visit safer. The information is shared and accessible only to our IT team for the purpose of performing necessary maintenance, such information is collected under secure networks and IT staff with restricted access. Permission is required to keep the information confidential.

The Website, blog, mobile applications Café con Causa is based on the principles of google advertising to provide a positive experience for visitors and users. https://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/1316548?hl=en


Industrial Property and Copyright

All information, designs, logos, brands, texts, images, audio materials, photographs, videos and other intellectual property content displayed on the Website, blog, mobile applications and related services are the intellectual property of Café con Causa and / or of their respective authors. Therefore, we reserve all rights, prohibiting their reproduction as a whole or segmented. The transgression and / or violation of these rights will be reported to the competent authorities.


Applicable laws

The laws of the Republic of Guatemala govern these terms and conditions without reference to any conflict of the principles of the law.

Last modified November 14, 2017

Copyright © Café Con Causa -www.cafeconcausa.org - 2024

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